Posted By: Meaghan and GAbby =)
Hey YA'll and YeeHAww!!! WOW today has been the best day yet...
We started the morning ready to begin a fresh new day with this very cold weather! (WOW is it CHILLY!!) We all worked very hard and again had so much fun. What made this day extra special though was that we finally found out that Helen, the woman whose house we worked on, is indeed a christian. She was overjoyed to know that we cared so much that we would see her in Heaven one day and raised her hands high in thanks. She was extremely greatful and we praise God for her salvation. Along with this job, we almost completed our other three sites as well. Tomorrow we will be ready to go back to work and finish them. Later we all joined for dinner at the girl's house and were excited for our bonfire. Finally Bonfire time came and some of the guys were given the task to start a fire. We soon had a huge fire blazing and had some awesome praise and worship. We sang songs of praise all together in the warmth of the fire, as we all felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. During the time of prayer we thanked God for all he had done for us this past week and it truly was an amazing time of fellowship.
S'mores!!! What else can we say? S'mores... S'mores... S'mores and many more S'mores.
We Miss You all and are thinking about you as we long for some of home's warm weather!! Brrrrr!!
Quote of the Day:
"Mr. Hood!!! Three S'mores! That is NOT in your Juice Plus+ diet." -Mrs. Riter
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