Posted by: Andrea B.
Greetings from Lake Wales! Here's what we did today. We first got to the HEART center and unpacked. The kitchen staff prepared a meal for us, which included grilled cheese, chips, rice krispies, and jello. A missionary spoke to us, and w got POWER tools notebooks, which is a devotional guide. We then split into three groups. Group A was with Mrs. Seeley ("Junkyard Dogs"), group B was with Miss Wilson (group yet unnamed), and group C ("Hoodlams") was with Mr. Hood. We had a devotional time, and those who worked at the HEART center showed us around. We pulled weeds, fed bunnies, chopped down trees to feed the goats, and picked food such as oranges, grapefruit, and other foods that were unknown to us.
During free time, we can play volleyball, basketball, soccer, hold the bunnies, or anything else. We learned about basic missionary facts and played team-building games at the ropes course. We also drew names for something that Miss Wilson named "Zak Passe," which means "What's Up?" in Creole. We will each be praying for our "Zak Passe" person all weekend.

In the evening, we had a time of "group fellowship" when we sang a few praise songs and each person shared something about the day. Some people mentioned how good the food was, some people talked about how we take so much for granted in America, and some people shared how much closer our class became just today. What was cool was how just in one day, I became better friends with people I didn't know that well, and in our time of sharing I learned things I never knew about people in our class. We all are amazed at how much closer our class became today, and how much closer we are going to become before the end of the weekend.
Have a good evening!
--Andrea for the Lake Wales team
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