Saturday, March 8th, 2008.

Papago Park

Serving food at an outreach with Pastor Walt

Leading worship at "the Zone"

The music crew after a church service
Posted by: Steven
At last, the long awaited pictures have arrived!
This morning, a handful of driven and incredibly audacious students (and Mr. Spidell) joined a few of the disciples for an early-morning workout at the Lord's Gym--and by early morning, I mean at roughly 4:30 in the morning. After our final ministry at "the Zone", we packed our things and traveled for a few hours to our current location of Flagstaff. Much to the pleasure--and at the same time, displeasure thereafter of some very cold and wet juniors--we stopped for a break and had a snowball fight. Arriving safely here in the much cooler climate of Flagstaff, we partook in fellowship around the pool deck of our hotel, and we are now all preparing to hit the sack for our fourth night in Arizona.
Witnessing our class come together as brothers and sisters in Christ has been such a phenomenal sight. I, along with the rest of us, have truly been impacted by the breaking of the walls of shame.
Again, we thank you all immensely for all of your prayers, and continued contact with us here!
We've been praying for all of you back home, and want to say a special hello to Nikki--we hope your trip went well! Kim, Amy B. sends her regards and says "hi" as well.
Goodnight from the La Quinta lobby. PTL.
Once again, I apologize for the filter error in the past two posts. The word that is blocked should be defined as "a native percussion instrument often played with the hands."
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