After lunch, we boarded the bus bound for Mustard Seed Orphanage for disabled children. An uneasiness could be felt in the air as we filed through the rooms of young children, many of whom are unable to move on their own or even feed themselves. It was far beyond what many of us expected. However, it warmed my heart to see that in only a matter of moments, so many of us surrounded these children with love and compassion. Though these children may not have been able to understand the words that were spoken or the purpose of our visit, they certainly could understand the love of a caring embrace--and that is what we set out to do. Some of us organized the clothing and hygiene products for the orphanage, while others gave massages and manicures to the women who work at Mustard Seed. Still, others played with the children and fed them their lunch. There are not words that can describe the feeling of holding a baby with cerebral palsy or simply being there to hug a child who is deaf, blind, and mute. God clearly moved in the hearts of many of us, and He led us to reach out to those children in need.
Following our visit at Mustard Seed, we had the opportunity of heading back to repeat the morning's activities with kindergarten through 2nd grade children. In addition, we got to exchange our American money for Dominican currency as well as visit a local "supermercado" (a Dominican equivalent of a Super Target).
Tonight, we gathered for dinner, and had a time of devotion and sharing led by Jennie and Jessica. As most of us now prepare for bed, we look forward to the exciting day that lies ahead of us. Tomorrow we will be trekking through waterfalls outside of Puerto Plata, which is sure to be a blast. God is already working in amazing ways, and we are eagerly waiting, with the faith of a mustard seed, to see how He will bring this class both further and closer--as paradoxical as it may seem. Everyone here sends their love and regards back home! Ben, we miss you and we're continuing to pray for you. Feel better! Thank you for your love, support, and prayers. God bless, and good night from Puerto Plata.
Posted by: Steven Gallo
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