Posted by: Ryan M. and Ashlie J. (first half) and Carrie K. and Casey K. (second half)

Last night we went to Warner University for the youth service called Infusion. Before the service they had some yummy candies, hot chocolate, and coffee set out for everyone. We were able to meet some of the college students there and talk with them. They started off the night with a few songs of worship. The topic for the night was homosexuality led by Pastor Bob. The church staff were a little nervous about sharing this message with us high schoolers so they offered us to go elsewhere. But the teachers got together and decided to stay because they had faith that we would handle the subject matter with maturity, which we did.
After the service, we went back to the H.E.A.R.T. campus and went straight into group reflection time. This night was probably one of the most emotional nights. We also saw the Holy Spirit work tremendously. The night started off a little slow. Mr. Harper was asking us questions to start off and get into the discussion. It turned out great -- pretty much everyone participated and really shared what was on their hearts. God really worked in a mighty way that brought our class together in ways we never thought would happen. People really emphasized how much we all bonded with each other throughout the weekend.
After everyone had basically finished talking, which was an hour later than scheduled, we all prayed. Then a group of people stayed in the room with Mr. Harper and talked about how we can bring this back to school and not be intimidated by thhe upperclassmen but stand for what we believe. We all stayed in there until like 1:30 and just had a great time.
After all of this we tried to get some sleep before the early morning but some were prevented from doing this due to goat noises made by Matt, Alex, and Ryan across the campground.
Today was the culmination of our trip. We had to conquer the wall! There were mixed emotions about the wall. Some were excited, some were nervous, and some were apathetic at first. We put a lot of thought into how we were going to conquer the wall as a class.
We've come to realize that it really took good strategy, trust, strength, and perseverance. There was no negativity whatsoever, and everyone was encouraging and lifting each other up (No pun intended) :-) Eventually, everyone that attempted to go over the wall went over, and everyone was happy for each other. It was really a great experience that taught us many lesons, and we had such a great time doing it! See you all tonight!!
--The Freshmen
P.S. from Mrs. Poole - THANK YOU for your prayers!!!! God has answered them!

Last night we went to Warner University for the youth service called Infusion. Before the service they had some yummy candies, hot chocolate, and coffee set out for everyone. We were able to meet some of the college students there and talk with them. They started off the night with a few songs of worship. The topic for the night was homosexuality led by Pastor Bob. The church staff were a little nervous about sharing this message with us high schoolers so they offered us to go elsewhere. But the teachers got together and decided to stay because they had faith that we would handle the subject matter with maturity, which we did.

After all of this we tried to get some sleep before the early morning but some were prevented from doing this due to goat noises made by Matt, Alex, and Ryan across the campground.
Today was the culmination of our trip. We had to conquer the wall! There were mixed emotions about the wall. Some were excited, some were nervous, and some were apathetic at first. We put a lot of thought into how we were going to conquer the wall as a class.

--The Freshmen
P.S. from Mrs. Poole - THANK YOU for your prayers!!!! God has answered them!
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