Posted by: Pamela Saavedra & Gordon Stemper (Mr. Hood is our Advisor)
The sophomore class was awakened before the rooster crowed. An early start was given to our day in order for six members of the class and Mr. Hood to board a bus and arrive promptly to help build a new wheelchair ramp for one of Long View's distant neighbors. After another delicious breakfast the wheelchair work crew jumped on a bus to head out and the rest of the class began clearing land.
The students that stayed on the property jumped right in to work clearing trees and other overgrown plants. A large fire was constructed using the good
old boy scout method of a tank of gas and a box matches. The work was challenging, but with the sophomores working together as a team the trees and other vegetation began to be cleared up and burned safely in the fire. Alongside the clearing, firewood was being chopped up for, as they called themselves, "an old retired couple that needed firewood to heat their home" - Mr. and Mrs. Widmaier!
After a few hours of labor a surprise lunch was brought out. Students were given hot dogs and a skewer and were able to cook their own meal over a nice warm fire. Lunch was served along with the unbeatable combination of chips and Dr. Thunder or Sam's Cola. Following lunch more clearing of trees and chopping firewood until free time was given.
The other group selected to help construct the wheel chair ramp had an unexpected challenge before them. Using pic
k axes, shovels, and hammers they helped a group from Disciple's Point Church dig through the extremely hard and messy Tennessee clay in order to remove a portion of sidewalk which was hindering the wheelchair ramp construction. While the boys were digging, the three girls moved a huge pile of rocks into a rock garden. Our friends from Disciple's Point decided to treat the group to lunch at Wendys.
After a fun lunch and time of fellowship, the group went back to work on the 20ft wheelchair ramp. Much work was accomplished although time didn't allow the ramp to be completed. The people from Disciple's Point plan to finish it in the next two days.
This beautiful day was far from over as the students played in the game room, shot hoops at the basketball court, and some people took advantage of the hills by rolling down them. For dinner we sat by birthday months in order to sit outside the normal group of people. Following dinner, of salad, baked ziti, garlic bread, and banana pudding for dessert, devotions began with a silent time for reflection on the day and time in prayer with God. The day's activities ended with an original sophomore class variation of never have I ever, this helped the class as well as the chaperones get to know each other in a different way.
We have another early morning tomorrow so we desperately need to get some rest.
SBS (or Sophomore Blogging Staff) signing off for now.
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