>>> Atmore Advance Article <<<
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Sophomore Missionaries Make Headlines
Our 10th graders were written up in the Atmore Advance (the local Alabama newspaper) on March 27th. Here's the article:
>>> Atmore Advance Article <<<
>>> Atmore Advance Article <<<
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Monday, March 27, 2006
The Last Two Days!

Posted by: Charlie
After church on Sunday, we helped throwing a block party at the Dream Center. The center is an old warehouse in a bad crime section of Sanford. They reach out to kids and families to “make dreams come true.” They also share the gospel with them. We helped with a cookout (hot dogs and hamburgers) and played basketball, dodgeball, jump rope, and football, and did crafts and face painting with the kids. It was awesome! Some of the girls helped the kids make salvation bracelets and a couple of them prayed with us!! Later in the day I was holding a little girl named Nadella while we did jumprope since she was too little to play by herself. She was really cute and she fell asleep in my arms. All the girls thought that was really sweet!
Posted by: Nick
The trip has been pretty “rad”! It started at the HEART center where we saw a cat ripping apart a squirrel, a dead snake that some people swore was moving, and four dead bunnies that were born and froze during the night, not to mention the blazing cold weather (like my oxymoron?) This new place, First Baptist Church of Oviedo is pretty spiffy. The Dixie Stampede was fun. Overall, this trip has been amazing. It’s been really fun being with all my class… before, to be honest, I thought my class was annoying and I really didn’t want to go on the trip. But I’ve had a blast with everyone and everyone’s been getting along. I’ve had an awesome time and the leaders have been amazing: Mrs. Wenzel, Miss Fisher, Mr. Smith and my own Daddy. I’m the one who always complains that I don’t like teachers, but I’ve had special moments with all of these leaders. I learned how amazing they all are. And I LOVE my class. Every person in it is amazing. As I sit here writing, everyone is talking and laughing, and I have finally realized for the first time in my life how blessed I am. God is good. And I’m so blessed. If there is one thing I will always remember from this trip… well, make that two things: 1) I beat Mr. Smith in every game of pool we played:-o and 2) how blessed I am. I hope and pray I don’t go back to my normal “Bocaey" self.
Posted by: Jennie
Today was Islands of Adventure! And amazingly, this is where I really discovered the power of prayer! Emily and Steph B. were waiting in line for Dueling Dragons when Emily underwent one of her unique panic attacks that she gets before she goes on roller coasters (even though she now loves them:) After a little bit, they decided to ask God to give her peace. And it worked! After that, Torie, Stephanie, Emily, and I were waiting in line for the front row of Dueling Dragons when Emily experienced another one of her “attacks”! We all gathered in a circle and prayed, and it was amazing to see the peaceful expression that took over Emily’s face. She knew that she was in God’s hands, and she and the rest of us had a great time.
Posted by: Miss Fisher
Although the HEART center made us aware of the financial, physical and spiritual needs of people overseas, yesterday’s experience at the Dream Center was a good eye-opener to the poverty and problems right in our own backyard. The block party we helped with was well attended, and I think the kids really had fun (both ours and theirs:-) In fact, everyone was having such a good time that the party lasted about an hour longer than originally scheduled! God’s really given the Dream Center’s founders a vision for helping the community both spiritually and materially in ways that were exciting to see. Last night’s sharing time reflected the emotional and spiritual impact that the trip has had on students. It was encouraging to see God moving and working in the lives of the kids as they thought about and processed the different parts of the trip. Please pray that God continues to use this trip and the truths students learned from it to strengthen the freshman class in their walk with Him and their relationships with each other. Please pray that the effects are not lost when we return to the routine of normal life.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Posted by: Mrs. Riter
We made it back safely. Busch Gardens was a blast today. My throat hurts from all of the screaming on the rollercoasters. Josh Colucci said "Mrs. Riter, you don't seem like the rollercoaster type." I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean. Anyway, we look forward to sharing all of the neat things God did. Can't wait to see the Atmore, AL newspaper this week!
We made it back safely. Busch Gardens was a blast today. My throat hurts from all of the screaming on the rollercoasters. Josh Colucci said "Mrs. Riter, you don't seem like the rollercoaster type." I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean. Anyway, we look forward to sharing all of the neat things God did. Can't wait to see the Atmore, AL newspaper this week!
Back in Civilization!

The luxury of third world bathroom facilities... a covered hole in the ground!!!!

Amy B. and her crew working on breakfast... yes, it was edible!

Kelsey and Brenna building trust on the ropes course as teammates spot them.

Emily, Dylan, Paige, and Brittanie work weaving at HEART's loom making a purse!

Group devotions at HEART, led by Mrs. Wenzel with the assistant of soon-to-be-world-famous guitarists Chase and Steven.
NOTE: This blog was written Saturday night, but due to technical challenges, we weren’t able to post it until Sunday morning.
Posted by: Tori
The AIM missionary really impacted me, and I think it would be awesome to actually go to Africa and be able to tell people about my experiences one day.
Posted by: Tyler
Posted by: Stephanie C.
I had lunch with missionaries at the Scott Home (an assisted living facility within AIM) and it was such a blessing to be able to talk to the people. I really appreciated them telling me about their lives in Africa. Maybe one day, I’ll become a missionary too! But whether I become a missionary or not, it will definitely help me pray for them better.
Posted by: Miss Fisher
Ahhhh… we’re weary! This morning we finished off our time at H.E.A.R.T (which stands for Hunger Education and Resources Training, if you were curious) and only got on the road a half hour late. From there we traveled on to AIM (African Inland Mission) retirement community. What a blessing! We were divided up into groups of two, three, or four and actually ate lunch in the homes of retired missionaries, most of whom had been in Africa for more than twenty-five years. We heard some really neat stories of God’s work and blessing on these folks and their heart for spreading the gospel to lands where Christ is hardly known. After lunch we traveled on up to Oveida, got settled in the church where we’re crashing, and rode off for the Dixie Stampede. Yeehaw!!!! The show was fun, only a couple of minor spills, and now we’re back at the church winding things down toward bedtime… pool, playing air hockey, laughing during a game of Apples for Apples, snacking, strumming the guitar, and falling asleep. And we’re all super thankful for warm showers! Thanks for all the prayers you’ve been sending up on our behalf. It’s definitely been chilly, but no frost bite so far! Other than that, God’s been very gracious to give us smooth sailing. Please pray for us tomorrow as we head to the Dream Center, especially that God would give us boldness with the gospel and big hearts for people we wouldn’t normally hang out with.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Good bye Atmore! Hello Tampa!

Posted by: Mrs. Lori Riter, Mrs. Cynthia Seely, Miss Gabriela Rosado, and Miss Meaghan Arnesano (AKA: Lunch Lady, Junkyard Dog & TRENch DiVers):
Mrs. Seely woke us up this morning with “Good morning icicles!!! Get up, get up, get up!” as she was banging on the toaster oven. She continued her yelling rampage to get us moving and get the bags packed and on the porch for our bus pick-up. Mrs. Riter took the lazy way out by giving leftovers from the week. Then we had our devos and cleaned the entire house to bless Mrs. Sarah. The boys actually picked us up early (after cleaning their own house and devos) and we loaded up. Mrs. Sarah and Pastor Doug blessed us with kind words and said good bye.
Ernie got us into Florida in just a few minutes. Who knew that we were so close to civilization all of this week? The sunset was beautiful and lasted for a long time. We arrived at the Fairfield Inn and went to Bob Evans for dinner. Mrs. Seely and Mrs. Riter went to supervise, all wrapped in their blankets, as the students went European style swimming (jumping between the Jacuzzi and the pool). It was cool to see how hot the guys are (steam was coming off their bodies as they got out of the hot tub).
We’re looking forward to a fun time at Busch Gardens tomorrow.
Quote of the Day:
“Use your real identifications please.”- Moderator (Mrs. Wilson) =)
Costa Rica Car Wash Clean Sweep
Posted by: Joel W.
The senior class (well part of it) managed to rack in $301.80 at the car wash today. This will go toward the purchasing of goods for the needy in Costa Rica. Gabby even received a single tip of 20 dollars. She could probably make a living just standing out there... Thanks for everyone's help and for everybody who had dirty cars!
The senior class (well part of it) managed to rack in $301.80 at the car wash today. This will go toward the purchasing of goods for the needy in Costa Rica. Gabby even received a single tip of 20 dollars. She could probably make a living just standing out there... Thanks for everyone's help and for everybody who had dirty cars!
Safe in Oviedo
Miss Fisher called in this brief report .... Although it was cold last night, the H.E.A.R.T. Institute provided blankets and the freshmen were comfortable. They have safely arrived at their second location, First Baptist Church of Oviedo. They will not be able to get online to blog tonight, but plan to do so tomorrow.
Last Day in Atmore, Alabama =(

Posted by: Meg, Gab, Kaitlin, and Ms. Seely! =)
We're back!!! Wow! Our trip has gone by sooo fast! We are all amazed with what we have learned from many great experiences. We were astonished at how this community has been so willing to welcome us with open arms. We have felt more love and compassion here than ever imagined.
Dinner tonight was a little different. The chaperones had planned a surprise dinner for us. No one was told what was going on. When we finally arrived at the church, each of us was given a number which corresponded to a certain table. There were four classes: Wealth, Nourished, Poor, and Starving. In doing this, true character was shown. Some of us were selfish, but most were very generous. We all learned a very valuable lesson tonight. After dinner, we all joined at Atmore's little town theatre. We shared laughs and great times, as we occupied the town's theatre. Tomorrow morning we will be departing at 9:00 A.M. for Tampa. We have all been greatly impacted on this trip. Please continue to keep us in your prayers during the last part of our trip!
Ouote of the Day: "Eheeeheehee!!!!!" (her neverending laughter!)--Ms. Seely
Friday, March 24, 2006
News from the HEART Institute
Posted by: Brenna and Kelsey
Today, we woke up at 6:30 and got ready to do our morning chores. Our group started off by picking weeds and such. Then the bell which summons us to our tasks led us toward breakfast, which was eggs, toast, grits, and fruit. After we ate, it was time for us to do our daily work. Our group began by cleaning the dishes. We got off easy, though, and got to juice the oranges instead. Well, anyway, we finished that and got free time, daily devotions, feeding goats, chickens, and bunnies, and then we did the ropes course which was quite fun. Dinner consisted of hot dogs that we cooked ourselves over the fire and smores!
Posted by: Tori
The best part about today was feeding the animals! The baby goats were so cute! We also fed bunnies and chickens and collected eggs from the hens (we had some of them for breakfast too!) Hope the rest of the trip is as fun as today!
Posted by: Chase
This is one of the coolest experiences I think any person could have. The many things we do and see at the heart Institute and it being like a third world country is completely enriching. I hope God works through everyone life, including mine, cause I know my life has already been changed!!! Sleeping is not cool (Tyler adds that this place is nice by day, but night is really inconvenient) but even so, it’s still awesome!!!
Posted by: Will, Ryan, and Dylan
Today during our free time we caught a snake (don’t worry moms and dads, it was only a nonpoisonous black racer) and we played with it. Then we thought it was dead, so we were like, “Oh, NO!!!” but he was alive, and we were happy and we named him Ephram. We fed the goats today too, and they almost trampled usJ This morning Rusty the cat ate a squirrel in front of our cabin and it was really gross! Tonight’s cookout was really good and we had smores.
Posted by: Miss Fisher
Today we city kids learned that roosters do not only crow at sunrise, but usually begin their morning cockadoodledooing around 4:30. After we cooked breakfast (yes, moms your boys were in the kitchen!) we started off into our labs. We pulled weeds, fed animals, did some team building at the ropes course, and learned about third world food and water struggles. The statistics about poverty and hunger in third world countries are staggering to most of us. To drive the point home, the H.E.A.R.T. Institute arranged for us to have a Rich Man/Poor Man dinner. Since two thirds of the world lives in poverty, two thirds of us were labeled poor and were given a small cup of chicken broth and a small chunk of bread. The fortunate third were served a lovely meal of spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, chocolate cake and the beverage of their choice. It seemed so unfair! But the point was made. And then cool things started to happen. Someone from the rich people’s table ran over and gave her salad to the folks at the poor person’s table! And then someone else ran her cake over. And someone else followed with his garlic bread…. I’ll leave you to wonder what happened next… ask your kids when they get home. Suffice it to say, I think we all got the point. We’re the rich folks in the world… the poor folks are out there even if we don’t see them eating at the next table. What are we doing about it? And when you take it to a spiritual level, it’s even more convicting. Those of you reading this message tonight might take a moment to pray for us. We’re going to have a sharing time around the campfire around 8:00 to talk about the events of the day… and by the way, God totally answered your prayers for beautiful weather!!! PS Sorry there aren’t any pictures yet. Lord willing we’ll be able to send some tomorrow.
Today, we woke up at 6:30 and got ready to do our morning chores. Our group started off by picking weeds and such. Then the bell which summons us to our tasks led us toward breakfast, which was eggs, toast, grits, and fruit. After we ate, it was time for us to do our daily work. Our group began by cleaning the dishes. We got off easy, though, and got to juice the oranges instead. Well, anyway, we finished that and got free time, daily devotions, feeding goats, chickens, and bunnies, and then we did the ropes course which was quite fun. Dinner consisted of hot dogs that we cooked ourselves over the fire and smores!
Posted by: Tori
The best part about today was feeding the animals! The baby goats were so cute! We also fed bunnies and chickens and collected eggs from the hens (we had some of them for breakfast too!) Hope the rest of the trip is as fun as today!
Posted by: Chase
This is one of the coolest experiences I think any person could have. The many things we do and see at the heart Institute and it being like a third world country is completely enriching. I hope God works through everyone life, including mine, cause I know my life has already been changed!!! Sleeping is not cool (Tyler adds that this place is nice by day, but night is really inconvenient) but even so, it’s still awesome!!!
Posted by: Will, Ryan, and Dylan
Today during our free time we caught a snake (don’t worry moms and dads, it was only a nonpoisonous black racer) and we played with it. Then we thought it was dead, so we were like, “Oh, NO!!!” but he was alive, and we were happy and we named him Ephram. We fed the goats today too, and they almost trampled usJ This morning Rusty the cat ate a squirrel in front of our cabin and it was really gross! Tonight’s cookout was really good and we had smores.
Posted by: Miss Fisher
Today we city kids learned that roosters do not only crow at sunrise, but usually begin their morning cockadoodledooing around 4:30. After we cooked breakfast (yes, moms your boys were in the kitchen!) we started off into our labs. We pulled weeds, fed animals, did some team building at the ropes course, and learned about third world food and water struggles. The statistics about poverty and hunger in third world countries are staggering to most of us. To drive the point home, the H.E.A.R.T. Institute arranged for us to have a Rich Man/Poor Man dinner. Since two thirds of the world lives in poverty, two thirds of us were labeled poor and were given a small cup of chicken broth and a small chunk of bread. The fortunate third were served a lovely meal of spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, chocolate cake and the beverage of their choice. It seemed so unfair! But the point was made. And then cool things started to happen. Someone from the rich people’s table ran over and gave her salad to the folks at the poor person’s table! And then someone else ran her cake over. And someone else followed with his garlic bread…. I’ll leave you to wonder what happened next… ask your kids when they get home. Suffice it to say, I think we all got the point. We’re the rich folks in the world… the poor folks are out there even if we don’t see them eating at the next table. What are we doing about it? And when you take it to a spiritual level, it’s even more convicting. Those of you reading this message tonight might take a moment to pray for us. We’re going to have a sharing time around the campfire around 8:00 to talk about the events of the day… and by the way, God totally answered your prayers for beautiful weather!!! PS Sorry there aren’t any pictures yet. Lord willing we’ll be able to send some tomorrow.
12th Grade Trip Car Wash!

Posted by: Faith
This Saturday, starting at 9:00, the Seniors are having a car wash at the K-Mart on Palmetto to raise funds for Nicaraguan refugees. During our mission trip to Costa Rica, we will be visiting these refugees and would like to bring clothes, toothbrushes and other supplies to them. If you have any supplies to be donated, feel free to bring them to the car wash! Thanks for your support...I hope to see you there!
hey from JLud
Posted by: Justin Ludlow
I have really enjoyed helping these people who need our help. I am surprised that I haven't felt lazy and when we have nothing to do it bothers me alot. Also I have really liked the 15 minutes of journaling, both morning and night. It gives you a great alone and quiet time to spend with God. It is really nice to take a quiet break in all this hecticness.
Hi Mom, Dad, Jason, and Cali! Hope all is going swell.
I have really enjoyed helping these people who need our help. I am surprised that I haven't felt lazy and when we have nothing to do it bothers me alot. Also I have really liked the 15 minutes of journaling, both morning and night. It gives you a great alone and quiet time to spend with God. It is really nice to take a quiet break in all this hecticness.
Hi Mom, Dad, Jason, and Cali! Hope all is going swell.
Lake Wales, FL Day 2
The freshmen class woke up to find the weather in Lake Wales sunny and cool. They started their day by picking oranges and then squeezing them for their breakfast juice. After breakfast the students were then divided up to do chores such as picking cabbages, weeding the garden, doing dishes and working on the shower (which some decided by the looks of it, they would rather not use). Later in the morning they were going to do a ropes course, weave at the loom, take a hunger education class or even milk a goat. Lunch was going to be given in a "rich" man/ "poor" man style; which meant some would be served in abundance and others given a meager portion. Students would then have the opportunity to see how people in some countries are able to survive with very little and of course given the option of sharing. Please pray for our students as the facilities are a bit rustic and very different from home.
Atmore, Alabama- Day 5

Posted by: Megs and GAbs =o)
Howdy!! After defrosting this morning, we had a delicious breakfast consisting of Banana pudding, cereal, oatmeal, hot chocolate, graham crackers, and marshmellows and also shared in some great devotions. We are now off to complete many of the jobs we have been working on this week. SEE YA SOON!!
Atmore, Alabama- Day 4

Posted By: Meaghan and GAbby =)
Hey YA'll and YeeHAww!!! WOW today has been the best day yet...
We started the morning ready to begin a fresh new day with this very cold weather! (WOW is it CHILLY!!) We all worked very hard and again had so much fun. What made this day extra special though was that we finally found out that Helen, the woman whose house we worked on, is indeed a christian. She was overjoyed to know that we cared so much that we would see her in Heaven one day and raised her hands high in thanks. She was extremely greatful and we praise God for her salvation. Along with this job, we almost completed our other three sites as well. Tomorrow we will be ready to go back to work and finish them. Later we all joined for dinner at the girl's house and were excited for our bonfire. Finally Bonfire time came and some of the guys were given the task to start a fire. We soon had a huge fire blazing and had some awesome praise and worship. We sang songs of praise all together in the warmth of the fire, as we all felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. During the time of prayer we thanked God for all he had done for us this past week and it truly was an amazing time of fellowship.
S'mores!!! What else can we say? S'mores... S'mores... S'mores and many more S'mores.
We Miss You all and are thinking about you as we long for some of home's warm weather!! Brrrrr!!
Quote of the Day:
"Mr. Hood!!! Three S'mores! That is NOT in your Juice Plus+ diet." -Mrs. Riter
Thursday, March 23, 2006
We Have Arrived!!!
Posted by: Piage, Britt, and Katy
We arrived today around 4:00, and unfortunately it was raining... but we got our cabins and they're pretty cool. The bathrooms are... let's just say DIFFERENT! It's basically a hole in the ground. But dinner was really yummy! After dinner we split up into different groups and accomplished different tasks. We can't wait until tomorrow when we get to milk goats and do some other interesting things!
Posted by: Tyler
The ride wasn't bad... Mr. Smith can sure make a u-turn! This place is truly third world... picture Compton without the low riders:) Lisa made friends with patches the dog too!
Posted by: Miss Fisher
Well, we arrived to a drizzle, but that certainly didn't dampen anyone's enthusiasm. We unloaded the bus and divided up into our cabins... they weren't inhabited... except by the occasional lizard and dead bug! Visiting the bathroom was certainly an adventure. Basically an outhouse type shack with a hole and a bucket of water to flush with. An innovative sink is a spigot outside where a stocking foot hangs with soap in it (a third world soap dispenser!) And when we explored the showers (concrete buildings with a bucket in the roof that has holes in the bottom allowing water to fall through) some folks seemed to be questioning the pressing need of personal hygene. Dinner was great... we definitely won't be starving here in third world village... they even had homemade chocolate chip cookies:) After dinner, we divided up for chores... washing dishes, wiping tables, feeding the chickens... you know, just like at home! And now it's dark.... really dark.... no street lights... so we're carrying around our lanterns and flashlights and having great fun chasing/surprising each other in the dark. Some of the more squeamish among us have found the number of frogs a bit disturbing... and we found a large snake skin which I found disturbing. Well, I've gotta run to devotions.
Prayer requests:
1. That the weather would improve a little... we're really thankful for the cool air, but the rain has hampered our activities a bit.
2. Please pray that God would help us to be a family with each other, as this is for many their first mission trip and time away from home.
We arrived today around 4:00, and unfortunately it was raining... but we got our cabins and they're pretty cool. The bathrooms are... let's just say DIFFERENT! It's basically a hole in the ground. But dinner was really yummy! After dinner we split up into different groups and accomplished different tasks. We can't wait until tomorrow when we get to milk goats and do some other interesting things!
Posted by: Tyler
The ride wasn't bad... Mr. Smith can sure make a u-turn! This place is truly third world... picture Compton without the low riders:) Lisa made friends with patches the dog too!
Posted by: Miss Fisher
Well, we arrived to a drizzle, but that certainly didn't dampen anyone's enthusiasm. We unloaded the bus and divided up into our cabins... they weren't inhabited... except by the occasional lizard and dead bug! Visiting the bathroom was certainly an adventure. Basically an outhouse type shack with a hole and a bucket of water to flush with. An innovative sink is a spigot outside where a stocking foot hangs with soap in it (a third world soap dispenser!) And when we explored the showers (concrete buildings with a bucket in the roof that has holes in the bottom allowing water to fall through) some folks seemed to be questioning the pressing need of personal hygene. Dinner was great... we definitely won't be starving here in third world village... they even had homemade chocolate chip cookies:) After dinner, we divided up for chores... washing dishes, wiping tables, feeding the chickens... you know, just like at home! And now it's dark.... really dark.... no street lights... so we're carrying around our lanterns and flashlights and having great fun chasing/surprising each other in the dark. Some of the more squeamish among us have found the number of frogs a bit disturbing... and we found a large snake skin which I found disturbing. Well, I've gotta run to devotions.
Prayer requests:
1. That the weather would improve a little... we're really thankful for the cool air, but the rain has hampered our activities a bit.
2. Please pray that God would help us to be a family with each other, as this is for many their first mission trip and time away from home.
Costa Rica Mission Trip Clothing Drive!
Posted by: Gabby F. and Kevin C.
The BRCS senior class is leaving for Costa Rica next Saturday 4/1 for their yearly mission trip. Please help us by contributing to the clothing drive we are having for the refugees living in La Carpio. La Carpio is a Nicaraguan community of about 100,000 men, women and children. Both the physical and spiritual needs are great. Please donate anything you can to help these people. We would greatly appreciate it. Please deposit your donations into the containers in the main office of either campus. We are also having a carwash on Saturday 3/25 from 9am to 3pm at K-Mart, 1401 W Palmetto Park Road.
We especially need:
1. Ziploc Sandwich Bags
2. Trial Size Shampoos and Conditioners
3. Trial Size Toothpaste
4. Toothbrushes
5. Socks
6. Towels
7. Clothes, both new and used
8. Coloring books
9. Crayons, markers, etc.
10. Any other hygiene items, or fun games for kids
The BRCS senior class is leaving for Costa Rica next Saturday 4/1 for their yearly mission trip. Please help us by contributing to the clothing drive we are having for the refugees living in La Carpio. La Carpio is a Nicaraguan community of about 100,000 men, women and children. Both the physical and spiritual needs are great. Please donate anything you can to help these people. We would greatly appreciate it. Please deposit your donations into the containers in the main office of either campus. We are also having a carwash on Saturday 3/25 from 9am to 3pm at K-Mart, 1401 W Palmetto Park Road.
We especially need:
1. Ziploc Sandwich Bags
2. Trial Size Shampoos and Conditioners
3. Trial Size Toothpaste
4. Toothbrushes
5. Socks
6. Towels
7. Clothes, both new and used
8. Coloring books
9. Crayons, markers, etc.
10. Any other hygiene items, or fun games for kids
Bye Bye Freshmen

After loading the bus, final instructions, and a word of prayer, a very excited group of 9th graders pulled out of the high school at 11:33 am. They've already shown great attitudes of working together and flexibility as the schedule has already changed. Please pray for Mr. Smith as he drives the bus, for the other chaperones (Mr. Harper, Mrs. Wenzel, and Miss Fisher) and of course for our student missionaries.
Atmore, Alabama Day 3

Posted by: Meg, Gab, and Ms.Sizzle =)
Good Mornin' Ya'll! This morning we woke up to CRAZY temperatures in the low 30's. Brrr!! A few brave guys led by Mr. Hood took a chilly 2-3 mile run to start their day. We started our morning with hot cereals and hot chocolate. After "Devos" we split up into four groups, and departed to our different work sites. Our day consisted of various complications. The chaperones decided they needed some cool radio handles to keep in contact:
Ms. Seely- Junkyard Dog
Mr. Hood- Bench Warmer
Mrs. Riter- Lunch Lady
After working hard to try to accomplish our different tasks, lunch was delayed by a water and gas shortage. Mrs. Riter's last resort to cook our hotdogs was to use the toaster oven. Power came on later in the afternoon. All of our teams were working hard on their jobs, some tasks included trench diving, collecting aluminum siding, finishing the deck, putting up vinyl siding and cleaning around the church property. After our jobs were completed, we were invited to go to the church potluck dinner and service afterward. We finished off the night with share time and awesome praise and worship. The sophomores and chaperones were heavily impacted. Overall, we had a day filled with fun, excitement, and lots of service.
Quote of the day:
"It would be nice to have some POWWAA!" - Mr. Rhodes
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Sophomore Photo Album
Posted by: Mrs. Wilson
I just received email from the sophomores saying that they created a photo album on Snapfish.com. Here's the link:
>>> Sophomore Photo Album hosted by Snapfish.com
You'll have to sign in to Snapfish to see the photos. Just click "wait, i already have an account" and then sign in with the following:
Username: bocachristian@yahoo.com
Password: photos
I also added it to the Links section of the sidebar. ----->
I just received email from the sophomores saying that they created a photo album on Snapfish.com. Here's the link:
>>> Sophomore Photo Album hosted by Snapfish.com
You'll have to sign in to Snapfish to see the photos. Just click "wait, i already have an account" and then sign in with the following:
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Atmore, Alabama- Days 1 and 2

Posted by:Meg and GAb =)
Last night we arrived in Atmore about 2 hours behind schedule, but knowing our sophomores, we all were very excited and had plenty of energy. From unloading the bus to blowing up air mattresses we all worked together to get settled in for the week. We are very exctied to see what God has in store for us. >>Good nIght!!
Its been an interesting morning as teams have gone out to different work sites. For a few of us who have not had specific work to do, we have become prayer warriors as we support our fellow classmates and are waiting to see what God will have us do. Mr. Watler and his team have been working on putting up vinyl panneling to repair the walls of a damaged house. Mr. Rhodes and his crew are removing and rebuilding a deck from another devastated house. Mrs. Riter has graciously been driving all around town delivering lunches to all of us. In all that they do, the sophomores and chaperones are truly showing Christ's love in growing closer together, serving others, and most importantly honoring God. Ms. Seely has taken many pictures and so here they are...ENJOY!! =)
Quote of the Day:
"Well guys looks like we're in a Hurry to Wait!"- Mr. Hood
10th Graders Working Hard in Alabama
The 10th graders arrived after a longer bus ride than expected, but they are safe. They are staying in old colonial style homes with beautiful wood floors. The plumbing is also old and Meaghan has won a blazer pride card for being the Plunger Queen! This morning the students were split into 3 different work groups. This work includes decking, hanging drywall and indoor/outdoor clean up. Continue to pray for our students and the toilets!!
Here's a photo sent in from Mrs. Seely's picture phone:
Here's a photo sent in from Mrs. Seely's picture phone:

Freshmen leaving Thursday!
Posted by: Miss Fisher :)
Now that the sophomores have left on their trip, excitement level among the freshmen is definitely growing as we prepare for our own departure on Thursday. Please pray for us as we embark on this fun learning, growing, and serving experience! Keep checking in here for additional updates.
Now that the sophomores have left on their trip, excitement level among the freshmen is definitely growing as we prepare for our own departure on Thursday. Please pray for us as we embark on this fun learning, growing, and serving experience! Keep checking in here for additional updates.
Monday, March 20, 2006
How to Add a Comment
Our mission teams appreciate the encouraging words left by others in the Comments section of the Blog. They'll try to get an internet connection and read them on the road, but if not they can all read the comments when they get home.
Anyone can add a comment to the Blog...you do not have to be a Blogger member! Here's how:
1. Click on "Comments" at the bottom of a post.
2. If you're not a Blogger member, choose the identity "Other."
3. Do not post an anonymous comment! Type in your actual name.
4. Type in your comment. Be aware that the Blog owner and everyone else who visits the Blog will be able to read your comment, so keep it positive and encouraging. Read it over carefully, because you will not be able to edit or delete your comment after it has been published.
5. Type in the word verification. (This prevents comment spam.)
6. Click on "Publish Your Comment."
7. That's all!
The moderator reserves the right to remove comments that don't follow guidelines.
Anyone can add a comment to the Blog...you do not have to be a Blogger member! Here's how:
1. Click on "Comments" at the bottom of a post.
2. If you're not a Blogger member, choose the identity "Other."
3. Do not post an anonymous comment! Type in your actual name.
4. Type in your comment. Be aware that the Blog owner and everyone else who visits the Blog will be able to read your comment, so keep it positive and encouraging. Read it over carefully, because you will not be able to edit or delete your comment after it has been published.
5. Type in the word verification. (This prevents comment spam.)
6. Click on "Publish Your Comment."
7. That's all!
The moderator reserves the right to remove comments that don't follow guidelines.
And they're off!
Posted by: Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Riter just called me with this update from the road:
We left the high school this morning at 8:15 and then went by the lower campus to load up the food. The boys jokingly tried to smuggle the 400 packs of gum onto the bus. We're grateful for our bus driver, Ernie. Please pray him and for our many miles of travel today.
We left the high school this morning at 8:15 and then went by the lower campus to load up the food. The boys jokingly tried to smuggle the 400 packs of gum onto the bus. We're grateful for our bus driver, Ernie. Please pray him and for our many miles of travel today.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Let's Pray
Here's a list of the trips dates and adult chaperones so we can all begin lifting them up in prayer:
SOPHOMORES - Alabama, March 20-26
Mrs. Seely
Mrs. Riter
Mr. Hood
Mr. Rhodes
Mr. Watler
Driver: Ernie
FRESHMEN - Orlando, March 23-27
Miss Fisher
Mrs. Wenzel
Mr. Smith
Mr. Harper
JUNIORS - Arizona, April 1-6
Mrs. Barnhill
Mr. Mockler
SENIORS - Costa Rica, April 1-7
Mr. Spidell
Mrs. Rhodes
SOPHOMORES - Alabama, March 20-26
Mrs. Seely
Mrs. Riter
Mr. Hood
Mr. Rhodes
Mr. Watler
Driver: Ernie
FRESHMEN - Orlando, March 23-27
Miss Fisher
Mrs. Wenzel
Mr. Smith
Mr. Harper
JUNIORS - Arizona, April 1-6
Mrs. Barnhill
Mr. Mockler
SENIORS - Costa Rica, April 1-7
Mr. Spidell
Mrs. Rhodes
Monday, March 06, 2006
How to Add a Comment
Anyone can leave a comment for the students by clicking the Comments link at the bottom of a post. We only ask that you do not post anonymous comments, but sign all comments with your real name.
Keep in mind that everyone who visits the Blog will be able to read your comment, so keep it positive and encouraging. You can't edit or delete your comment after it has been published, but the moderator can delete it if necessary.
Oh, one more thing: Please don't post anonymous comments. Sign them with your real name.
Joanne Wilson
Blog Moderator
Keep in mind that everyone who visits the Blog will be able to read your comment, so keep it positive and encouraging. You can't edit or delete your comment after it has been published, but the moderator can delete it if necessary.
Oh, one more thing: Please don't post anonymous comments. Sign them with your real name.
Joanne Wilson
Blog Moderator