My apologies...This post was written last night and was to be posted last night but we had some problems with our internet connection...
Posted by:Keev
This morning we got an early start, with breakfast at 6:30 am at the Volcano Lodge. We had pancakes, omelets, fresh fruit and fruit juices, and, of course, rice and beans! Around 7:15 am we loaded the bus and were off to the canopy tour. We arrived and were all given a horse and a helmet, and instructions. We rode for about 20 minutes, until we came to the stable. At the stable, we handed over our horses and were given a harness for the zip-line. We all strapped up, and hiked up to the canopy level of the rainforest, a 10-15 minute hike up-hill. When we all made it to the first of nine platforms, we were able to get water, and then we were off! Zooooooom...!!! According to our guide, Amanda, today was a slow day on the lines, about 15-20 mph, but it was still fun. The shortest cable was only 120 ft, a three second zip, and the longest was 1500 ft, a thirty-five second zip. We were between 100 and 175 feet in the air. The two highest platforms were the two shakiest, so those who were afraid of heights didn't like those, or any, platforms. After all the zipping around, we got our horses back, and rode back down to the original stable. The canopy guide led some of the horses into an open field and were allowed to gallop! WOW! Scary and fun! After all that, we went to a restaurant called "Las Brasitas." There we all had a half of a rotisserie chicken, and french fries; no rice and beans, bummer. :( After lunch, we had a two hour drive to a beautifully ornate Catholic church called Zarcero, that also had an amazing garden. After Zarcero, we drove to another tourist trap, called Sarchi. At Sarchi, they had rainforest wood ornaments, and other items of the like. After a fun time shopping, we returned to the bus, once again, and drove back to Country Inn & Suites. We then had dinner, lasagna with rice and beans! After dinner, we had devotions, and a wonderful sharing time. See you all tomorrow, on my 18th Birthday!!!
Note from Faith: Mr. Spidell found another stray cat at the stable! (See the pic) Thank you all for your prayers each day we really appreciate them. Please pray for safe travel tomorrow. Tonight's devotions were the best we have had all week...please pray that God continues to work on all of our hearts as we move on to another chapter in our lives. We love you all!
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