Saturday, April 01, 2017

Costa Rica Day #2

Posted by: Victoria Oliveira

Today was awesome! Surprisingly the early morning, which was only 7:30 but ya know, wasn’t rough and only two people were late (I laugh as I type this). Anyways we ate our breakfast and did a devotional as a group together then went on to do our Time Alone with God other wise known as TAG time. After we headed to our first VBS sight of the day. It was mainly little boys who showed up and not many girls so it was cool to watch all of the guys interact with these kids and play soccer and bond with them. David Halle showed his fluent Spanish by asking the kids “como te llamas” and not know what to really say after. Our second VBS sight was full of English speaking kids, there were also a lot of teens. It was cool because we got to have full conversations with some of the kids and teens in English and it was easier to minister.  We went to the centro after which is the center of the town and got to walk around and test our Spanish by ordering things. Thank God we have Sofia and Alejandro to help us out when needed during these times.  At night we proceeded to eat dinner then have worship and a service. The message was great. With our theme being we are all one, I think our class is really achieving this by helping each other out at all times and just loving on each other and the children.

Shout Outs

Megan: “Hi mom and dad!”

Bethany: “AYO MA!”

Racquel: “I love you mom!”

Jonathan: "Shoutout to Steviepoo Wheeldog!"

Caeden: Hey mom and dad hope everything is going great we're having an awesome time here in Costa Rica!!!!!!! :)

Emily: Love you Mom, Dad, and Mark. Hope everything is well & say hi to Walle for me :)

Alex: Hi mom, thanks for the write. warm regards

Henry: Hi Mom. I miss you with all my heart. I am doing ok. Before you ask, the food is great! I'll be back before you know it. I saw Uncle Jonathan for a brief moment and it was great seeing him. And Nana Sheila was there as well, and she was doing great. 

The boys on dish duty!

Austin made a new friend - Andrew! They fell in love with each other AND the baby fist bumps!

Lots of soccer was played, of course.

When our soccer ball ripped, James improvised and turned it into a hat.

The entire crew in downtown San Ramon.

Mr. Smith's group leading VBS.

Doug is always serving!