Posted by: Meg, Gab, Kaitlin, and Ms. Seely! =)
We're back!!! Wow! Our trip has gone by sooo fast! We are all amazed with what we have learned from many great experiences. We were astonished at how this community has been so willing to welcome us with open arms. We have felt more love and compassion here than ever imagined.
Dinner tonight was a little different. The chaperones had planned a surprise dinner for us. No one was told what was going on. When we finally arrived at the church, each of us was given a number which corresponded to a certain table. There were four classes: Wealth, Nourished, Poor, and Starving. In doing this, true character was shown. Some of us were selfish, but most were very generous. We all learned a very valuable lesson tonight. After dinner, we all joined at Atmore's little town theatre. We shared laughs and great times, as we occupied the town's theatre. Tomorrow morning we will be departing at 9:00 A.M. for Tampa. We have all been greatly impacted on this trip. Please continue to keep us in your prayers during the last part of our trip!
Ouote of the Day: "Eheeeheehee!!!!!" (her neverending laughter!)--Ms. Seely
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