Posted by: Joey and Adrian

--Adrian and Joey for the Lake Wales team
Postscript from Miss Wilson: Thank you for your continued prayers! Endurance sometimes runs low during the afternoons when the sun is bright, tasks are painstaking, and eyelids are drooping. Cypress Gardens tomorrow will be a welcome change of pace for many! For the most part, the students have had willing hearts and positive attitudes. This evening the entire class did a ropes course activity that involved getting almost all of the members of the class over a giant 14.5-foot wall. It took a lot of hard work and team-building encouragement, but at the end when George D, Benji R, and Mr. Hood finally pulled the last person up, everyone burst into cheering! Pictures of that will come tomorrow.

Hey guys-- this is Joey and Adrian. It’s Saturday Mar 24th and we started off the day around 7 waking up to dirtbikes…We are in different groups but still did a lot of the same activities which mostly involved a lot of teamwork. Me, George and Charlie made a new driveway and fixed stopsigns while Adrian and his group chopped down trees and fed goats and bunnies. Some people had to pump the water we use for taking showers and washing our hands.

At lunch today we were surprised with nothing to eat besides water and cornbread (well, one group got water, one group got a square of cornbread, and one group got a teeny bit of rice, as you can see in the picture) while “group 1” got a a lot to eat. The first picture on this blog is while the rest of us are waiting at the "back" door of the dining hall to be let after the "rich" people were seated at their nice table. The dude explained to us that it was a trick thingy to teach us about poor/rich men to make us more thankful. In the end, group 1 had to serve the rest of us lunch so we didn’t end up going hungry after all. So far its an awesome trip and tomorrow were going to Cypress Gardens park. Laterr
--Adrian and Joey for the Lake Wales team

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