As I mentioned, this afternoon has primarily been one of rest. Many of us are pretty exhausted from the activities of the week, and we've spent time napping, relaxing by the beach, and of course, eating. (Did I mention the food prepared by our cooks, Oscar and Nora, is oustanding?)
As I type this, Mr. Oliver Haines is settling in here at the compound. He has arrived safely from his flight and will be spending these last days with us due to a standby flight situation with Lisa and Caroline. We will likely be spending the remainder of the evening here at the mission house, and we will have our nightly time of devotion and sharing following dinner. We send our love and thoughts back home, and we are grateful for your support and prayers. Nick is feeling better; he didn't participate in the zip-lining to avoid further injuring his knee, but he is making progress. We won't know details until we arrive back in the US, but please continue to keep him in your prayers. He sends many thanks to everyone for their love and concern. As a deviation from the norm, I wish you all a good evening, and we look forward to hearing from you in the coming days.
P.S. - We are having trouble with transfering some of the photos with this computer, so only certain cameras work. Unfortunately, we can't get the pictures up from yesterday, but I encourage you to attend the missions chapel on Friday to see (and hear) all about the trip. Thanks!
Posted by: Steven Gallo
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