Posted by: Pamela Saavedra & Gordon Stemper (Mr. Hood is our advisor)
Today began far better than every other day due to the fact wake up time was after 8:00 am! We all hurried to get ready and look presentable in order to be ready for church at 11:00 am. Right before we were going to leave for church our bus broke and reversed over one of Long View Ranch's fences. Fortunately another bus was ready to take us along with Mr. Widmaier's car that stuffed the rest of us inside. The church service was held in Tusculum college and upon arriving we were greeted by many friendly faces. During the service the entire sophomore class recited chapter 1 of Philippians whether it be by memory or reading (some people were nervous and would completely blank in front of a crowd). Also during the service an amazing Praise and Worship band played and Disciple's Point pastor, Pastor Tootie, gave an aw
e inspiring message of God's love. Following the service a lovely pot luck meal was held where the class was able to meet the congregation over an amazing lunch. We were all able to meet new people and make new friends. Mr. Hood was able to reconnect with some friends from last year's trip - the Shelnutt family whose farm last year's sophomores worked. We also gave the baby clothes to Todd and Barbara who had the new baby last year. (Please pray for Todd as some possible cancer spots have returend) After good byes were said and we drove back to camp. Free time was given where we were able to get out of our church clothes and back into our casual outfits.
Around 4:30 the entire group was called to walk out and meet by the trust fall platform. Instructed by Mr. Widmaier the class began doing trust exercises to prepare us for the ultimate fall. Upon completing the ac
tivities, we made our way to the platform. Catchers were placed and an individual would climb up on the 4 ft.tall platform then fall backwards. The faller would have to trust their classmates would safely catch them. One after the other began falling back into their friends arms, without any injuries or dropped people. This activity showed many people they could and should indeed put their trust in others. The dinner bell was ringing and we all ran to the dinning room to chow down.
However after dinner we all had a major bonding time. It truly was an experience. The boys and girls split up and we had a time to grow closer together. Many new things were learned about each other during this time. We learned that we aren't alone in struggles and that there are people who are here for us as friends and chaperones. We grew closer together and that is just going to make us a stronger class. God is working in a mighty way here thanks to much prayer on your end.
Continue to keep the missions trips in prayer. God is moving here. SBS signing off.
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