The luxury of third world bathroom facilities... a covered hole in the ground!!!!

Amy B. and her crew working on breakfast... yes, it was edible!

Kelsey and Brenna building trust on the ropes course as teammates spot them.

Emily, Dylan, Paige, and Brittanie work weaving at HEART's loom making a purse!

Group devotions at HEART, led by Mrs. Wenzel with the assistant of soon-to-be-world-famous guitarists Chase and Steven.
NOTE: This blog was written Saturday night, but due to technical challenges, we weren’t able to post it until Sunday morning.
Posted by: Tori
The AIM missionary really impacted me, and I think it would be awesome to actually go to Africa and be able to tell people about my experiences one day.
Posted by: Tyler
Posted by: Stephanie C.
I had lunch with missionaries at the Scott Home (an assisted living facility within AIM) and it was such a blessing to be able to talk to the people. I really appreciated them telling me about their lives in Africa. Maybe one day, I’ll become a missionary too! But whether I become a missionary or not, it will definitely help me pray for them better.
Posted by: Miss Fisher
Ahhhh… we’re weary! This morning we finished off our time at H.E.A.R.T (which stands for Hunger Education and Resources Training, if you were curious) and only got on the road a half hour late. From there we traveled on to AIM (African Inland Mission) retirement community. What a blessing! We were divided up into groups of two, three, or four and actually ate lunch in the homes of retired missionaries, most of whom had been in Africa for more than twenty-five years. We heard some really neat stories of God’s work and blessing on these folks and their heart for spreading the gospel to lands where Christ is hardly known. After lunch we traveled on up to Oveida, got settled in the church where we’re crashing, and rode off for the Dixie Stampede. Yeehaw!!!! The show was fun, only a couple of minor spills, and now we’re back at the church winding things down toward bedtime… pool, playing air hockey, laughing during a game of Apples for Apples, snacking, strumming the guitar, and falling asleep. And we’re all super thankful for warm showers! Thanks for all the prayers you’ve been sending up on our behalf. It’s definitely been chilly, but no frost bite so far! Other than that, God’s been very gracious to give us smooth sailing. Please pray for us tomorrow as we head to the Dream Center, especially that God would give us boldness with the gospel and big hearts for people we wouldn’t normally hang out with.
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